S.No. Name Designation Committee Designation Mobile Number
1 Ms.Sunita Devi Professor Presiding Officer 89058-09023
2 Mrs.Anjana Chaudhary Asst. Professor Member 98288-88963
3 Adv.Gambhir Singh District & Session Court, Kumher Member 70149-31817
4 Ms.Babita  Kumari Administrative Staff Member 95096-99251
5 Ms.Akansha Administrative Staff Member 76109-93839
6 Mr.Rajeev Agarwal NGO Chairman Member 99297-98372


Objectives of ICC:

The objectives of the Internal Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace are as follows:

  • To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.
  • To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  • To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender based discrimination.
  • To promote a social and psychological environment to raise awareness on sexual harassment in its various forms.
  • To create a secure physical and social environment to deter any act of sexual harassment.
  • To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence at the Institute.